Saturday 10 June 2017

5. <FONT> : It allows us to specify how to format font on a           webpage. It always start with <FONT> opening tag and ends         with </FONT> closing tag. It is used to set type face, size and         color.
  Syntax : 
          <FONT FACE="Andica" SIZE="4" COLOR= "RED"> 
           Hardwork is the key to Success. </FONT>

6. <UL> : The Unordered list indents each item in the list and         adds a bullet against each item. This list is used when the items       are not to be displayed in any particular sequence. It starts with      <UL> and ends with </UL>. It also includes <LI> tag for list        items.
    Syntax :
         <UL> 3 D's for Success
         <LI> Dedication
         <LI> Devotion
         <LI> Discipline   </UL>

7. <OL> : The Ordered list indents each item in the list and             gives number to each item. This list is used when the items are to     be displayed in any particular sequence. By default, numbers are     displayed in a web browser when ordered list is used. We can           change the style using Type attribute. It starts with <OL> and         ends with </OL>. It also includes <LI> tag for list items.     
   Syntax :
      <B> Qualities of a good student </B>
      <OL Type ="I">
        <LI> Attitude <LI> Ability <LI> Academic skills </OL>

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