Saturday 10 June 2017

Some HTML tags

  1. < P > tag : Any text containing more than a few lines should be given inside the paragraph tag. each paragraph of text should be given between opening <P> and closing <P> tags. it structures the text into different paragraphs.        Syntax: <P Align="Center"> THOUGHT OF THE DAY </P>                                                                                 
  2. <BR> tag : It is a line break tag. this tag breaks the line and displays the text on the next line , without giving any space between two lines. it should be given at the end of the line after which a new line is required.                                                         Syntax : <BR>                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  3. <HR> tag : The <HR> tag draws a horizontal line across the page and acts as separator. type <HR> tag where you want to insert a horizontal line. we can also specify the size attribute in <HR> tag to define the thickness of line                                 Syntax : <HR width="0.4" color="black">                                    
  4. <H> tag :  Documents could have headings and subheadings. To implement this in our document we use heading levels. This is called heading tag.<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>.                                            <H1> is the highest header level and <H6> is the lowest header level.                                                                                  Syntax : <H1> SUBJECT </H1>                                                            <H2> SCIENCE </H2>                                                             <H3> PHYSICS</H3>                                                                <H3> CHEMISTRY </H3> 

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